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Before we leave, there are plans.
There are mixed uncertainties in the desire to go further and further.
There are discoveries and times when you just need something new.
The approach of a new season coincides with that moment when all of us, scrolling Instagram or browsing a fashion magazine, can not help but think about the next purchases to do.
The wardrobe change is still far away, but we all want to buy something new.
So, in our last editorial, we imagined that we were going to leave, to plan a trip - near or far is not the important thing -, to prepare our suitcases and simply to go.
With us the new garments of the SS/22 collection colorful and with prints that recall the 70s, but also many ideal Chanel style suits for work or for an afternoon with friends.
We know that now the period we are living is very uncertain, but we are sure that it is a great time to RE-START and also to start thinking about LEAVING.